Senior Spotlight: Sawyer Dooley

As graduation draws near, we’re sitting down with the class of 2024 to talk about their time at Sioux Falls Lutheran School and what the future holds.

Photo Credit: Wendy Dooley

Name: Sawyer Dooley

College/University accepted to: South Dakota State University

Intended field of study: Business Economics

What makes SDSU a good fit for you?
I believe that SDSU is a good fit for me because it’s close to home and it has a good program for my major.

How did you feel when you received the news of your acceptance?
I am excited to be a Jackrabbit because I know many people who’ve attended SDSU and they’ve had a great experience.

How did you decide on a field of study?
I chose to pursue Business Economics because I’d like to work in finance. Also, my dad is a financial advisor for Edward Jones, and I would like to follow in his footsteps someday.

Which classes, programs, and/or faculty at Sioux Falls Lutheran School helped support your interest in your planned field of study/career field?
I’ve learned a lot from Mr. Albers, especially in Personal Finance. Overall his classes have prepared me for adulthood.

Please share any other activities that had a significant impact on you during your time at SFLS.
Being a part of the basketball team was a great experience. I learned from our coaches and my teammates and I’ll carry those memories with me.  

What is your favorite high school memory/moment?
My favorite memory was being welcomed back with open arms when I returned my junior year. I also enjoyed making memories with friends, some I’ve known since preschool and some I’ve met more recently.

I am inspired by or grateful for…
My parents, for showing me that strong faith and hard work are what matter most.

If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?
If I could change one thing it would be that I would’ve always put my best foot forward, each and every day.

What advice would you share with underclassmen at SFLS?
Make sure you are always kind and respectful to the people around you. 

What is your favorite Bible verse?
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” –Romans 8:28

About Sioux Falls Lutheran School
Sioux Falls Lutheran School is a family community committed to developing capable Christian servant-leaders in a complex world who are World Ready and Faith Secure. We are passionate about giving our students the tools they need to be successful academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. We strive to accomplish this goal by maintaining high academic standards, employing excellent teachers, and upholding a Christian worldview drawn from Scripture. Ultimately, our vision is to partner with families in preparing children, as led by the Holy Spirit, for faithful and bold use of their God-given gifts to navigate and serve a complex world with the love of Christ.