Senior Spotlight: Muoch Jud

As graduation draws near, we’re sitting down with the class of 2024 to talk about their time at Sioux Falls Lutheran School and what the future holds.

Name: Muoch Jud

Post-graduation plans:
After graduation I plan to join the marines, where I will be doing logistics.

Which classes, programs, and/or faculty at Sioux Falls Lutheran School helped support your interest in your planned field of study/career field?
Mr. Albers personal finance class was one of the most impactful for me.

Please share any activities that had a significant impact on you during your time at SFLS.
During my time at SFLS I was involved with football and basketball.

What is your favorite high school memory/moment?
I really enjoyed the van rides to games.

I am inspired by or grateful for…
I am grateful for Sioux Falls Lutheran School, its support, and the opportunities it gave to me.

If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?
Nothing, I loved it all.

What advice would you share with underclassmen at SFLS?
Enjoy every moment.

What is your favorite Bible verse?
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” –Luke 12:32

About Sioux Falls Lutheran School
Sioux Falls Lutheran School is a family community committed to developing capable Christian servant-leaders in a complex world who are World Ready and Faith Secure. We are passionate about giving our students the tools they need to be successful academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. We strive to accomplish this goal by maintaining high academic standards, employing excellent teachers, and upholding a Christian worldview drawn from Scripture. Ultimately, our vision is to partner with families in preparing children, as led by the Holy Spirit, for faithful and bold use of their God-given gifts to navigate and serve a complex world with the love of Christ.