Senior Spotlight: Mackenzie Titus

As graduation draws near, we’re sitting down with the class of 2024 to talk about their time at Sioux Falls Lutheran School and what the future holds.

Photo Credit: Maulie Titus

Name: Mackenzie Titus

College/University accepted to: Dakota Wesleyan University

Intended field of study: Physical Therapy 

What makes Dakota Wesleyan a good fit for you?
I chose this school because their values aligned with what I was looking for in a school. I also chose this school because I was baptized and grew up in the Methodist church, and with Dakota Wesleyan being a Methodist school, I thought it was a perfect fit for me. The smaller class sizes were another reason why I chose this school.

How did you feel when you received the news of your acceptance?
I was super excited to receive my acceptance letter. 

How did you decide on a school/field of study? 
I decided that I wanted to become a Physical therapist because I enjoy working with people and helping them heal their bodies from various injuries or conditions that they may be experiencing.

Which classes, programs, and/or faculty at Sioux Falls Lutheran School helped support your interest in your planned field of study/career field?
There are two very important teachers that I would like to recognize that helped support my future plans after high school. The first teacher I would like to recognize would be Mrs. Slavens. She has helped my fellow classmates and I explore the many different career options that we could possibly pursue that fit our interests, as well as taking us to numerous college fairs to help navigate finding the college that fits each of us. The other teacher that I would like to recognize is Mrs. Miller. She not only helped me find confidence in myself, but she also helped me gain confidence as a singer and try new things that I didn’t think I was capable of doing. 

Please share any other activities that had a significant impact on you during your time at SFLS.
The extracurricular activities that impacted me the most were choir and track. I say choir because I have grown as a singer to do and try hard things. Our culture as a choir group is one of a kind and definitely like no other. I chose to mention track because I have met so many different people through the throwing community within Track and Field. There was definitely never a dull moment–whether that be the bus rides, practices, or meets–it was always a fun time.

What is your favorite high school memory/moment?
My favorite high school memory would probably have been when the girls basketball team won their very first game in SFLS history. 

I am grateful for…
The friendships that I have built through going to school at SFLS. 

If you could go back and change one thing during your high school career, what would it be?
To be completely honest, I wouldn’t change a thing that I did or that happened. Everything happens for a reason, and I am very glad that everything that has happened, happened the way it did.

What advice would you share with underclassmen at SFLS?
Every great accomplishment we have successfully achieved through different activities has become part of SFLS history.

What is your favorite Bible verse?
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” –Matthew 7:12-14

About Sioux Falls Lutheran School
Sioux Falls Lutheran School is a family community committed to developing capable Christian servant-leaders in a complex world who are World Ready and Faith Secure. We are passionate about giving our students the tools they need to be successful academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. We strive to accomplish this goal by maintaining high academic standards, employing excellent teachers, and upholding a Christian worldview drawn from Scripture. Ultimately, our vision is to partner with families in preparing children, as led by the Holy Spirit, for faithful and bold use of their God-given gifts to navigate and serve a complex world with the love of Christ.