Capital Campaign

Imagine Immeasurably More


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” —Ephesians 3:20-21


Imagine Immeasurably More is a capital campaign inspired by Ephesians 3:20-21. It will fund an addition to the SFLS Upper School, expanding middle and high school capacity to at least two classrooms per grade, while also opening up capacity in the elementary wing for dual class of 1st through 5th grade students. Moreover, it will enable donor-funded “Capstone” projects to complete needed athletic and music facilities for our ever increasing student body.

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Working through you, according to His power, God has richly blessed our progress thus far. This campaign represents the next, most significant expansion of this Gospel mission since our new school was built in 2018-2020. Please feel free to view the projected project costs, and know that we are so thankful for your support and partnership.

Thank you for prayerfully considering your greatest gift possible as together we Imagine Immeasurably More for the students and families of Sioux Falls Lutheran School. To make a donation, please complete a pledge form and return it to Sioux Falls Lutheran School: 6715 S Boe Ln, Sioux Falls, SD 57108.

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Since 2016, SFLS has responded to the strong tug of Jesus’ Great Commission “to go”—make more disciples, support more families, educate more children to be capable Christian servant-leaders: world ready, faith secure. We saw God’s vision of one unified campus for infants through high school students—a “family” school that could reach an even higher level of excellence in academics, arts, and athletics, within a bold Christian environment. We did not know how, or when, this would be accomplished. But we firmly believed in His promise that “He is able do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power at work in us, to His glory, for all generations.”  Eph 3:20-21

Indeed, He is able. He has blessed us abundantly with gifts of over $19 million since 2016. And now, we believe, He is calling us again, to complete that 2016 vision and extend our Gospel mission—to Imagine Immeasurably More.


According to His power at work in the generous gifts from all of you, His/our 2016 vision has made incredible progress:

  • Local Best Preschool, with capacity for 180 “littles” from birth to age five.
  • Steady progress on the vision of dual elementary/middle-school classes from K-8th grade.
  • Established a high school in 2020, which started with 35 students and has grown to 63 students; we are also anticipating our largest freshman class in the fall of 2025.
  • Finished our football field and held our first home game, with plenty of room left on our 30 acres for further athletic fields, locker-rooms, and auxiliary gym development. 
  • Completed construction on our Fitness Center/Athletic Training facility in the spring of 2024.
  • God has richly blessed us with a 37% increase in students since moving to Boe Lane in 2020.


Because the school has grown from 310 students in 2019 to over 500 students today and is expected to continue its strong future growth to fulfill the vision of dual K-12 classes, SFLS is completely out of regular classrooms this school year. Our immediate challenges are:

  • Expanded Middle and High School:  We will soon need additional classrooms to complete the vision of dual 6-8th classes, which is integral to our goal for an increasingly robust high school of 200+ students.  This will also accommodate dual elementary grades.
  • Additional Parking: In May, 2024, we added 42 additional parking spaces, to accommodate more staff and students.
  • Kitchen, Restrooms, Administrative Space:  We also need to serve the whole school by converting one upper-school classroom to a preparation kitchen. We also need upper-school restrooms and administrative space for the upper-school principal and staff.
  • Finally, Construction Costs continue rising 8-10%, meaning we simply need to build now.


The “Why,” Part I: A two-level upper-school addition will: 1) enhance our entire school and further develop our academic, art and athletics programs; and 2) complete the 2016 vision of a family-sized school reaching out to the community, the region, and the world, with excellence in Christian education, developing Christian servant-leadership, with a Gospel worldview.

The “Why,” Part II:  The visible need for additional classroom and facility space is relatively easily explained and visualized with the illustrations prepared by architect Steve Jastram. The subtler, yet compelling “why” we need this upper school addition is found in the current realities of Christian education for teens (ages 13-18) in our post-Christian world.

Christian-trends researcher, the Barna Group, reports that teenagers 13-18 are twice as likely as adults to say they are atheist (13% vs. 6%). [pp. 14, 25] Snippets, according to Barna’s surveys:*

  • Only 4% of Gen Z (ages 13-18) have a true biblical worldview [p.25].  This is alarming.
  • Having lost a Christian perspective, Gen Z has largely lost their personal identity—”Who am I? Where did I come from? How should I view others?” [pp.41-45]. Christian identity is foundational.
  • Most GenZ say their friends are from school (80%); only one in five says their friends are from church [p. 49]. Our teens need a Christian family school environment.
  • “Moral relativism is taking deeper root.” One-quarter of GenZ strongly agree that what is morally right and wrong changes over time based on society and individual moral beliefs.
  • The Report suggests “church attendance alone does not create distinctive believers.” Instead, those teens who grow up with strong Christian education and intentional discipleship are taking the Bible’s moral principles to heart, while others look more like the broader culture [p.58].  A Christian worldview at home, church, and school is absolutely essential for lasting faith [p.97].

This Report finds the anecdote for teens in a post-Christian culture is careful training, in a safe space, with the ability to ask questions, even difficult ones, and their ability to understand their identity in Christ, their purpose in His kingdom, all with the guidance of committed Christian teachers and mentors [pp. 31-33; 44-45; 75-76; 99-101]. The Report also encourages Christian schools to engage/train Christian parents, who often feel uncomfortable having conversations with their teens on “tough” questions about Christianity, God, and the Bible [pp. 82-84; 99-101].

“We have the opportunity to reimagine what passing on our faith to the next generation looks like in this unique cultural moment. Let’s be creative, courageous and faithful!” [p. 101].


Your gifts will help provide the physical and spiritual space for Sioux Falls Lutheran School to provide the antidote the Barna study describes. Our specific vision, mission and values multiplied by the number of hours we have with each student gives us an exponential opportunity to provide a strong biblical influence in an environment that is culturally relevant for this generation.

We have dedicated Christian teachers, with the best in academics and activities, all integrated with a Christian worldview, an identity in Christ, weekly Chapel, daily devotions and classroom teaching. We have a PeaceWiseKids curriculum, Christian worldview theology classes, and individual/group mentoring sessions with engaged teachers, pastors, directors of Christian education, staff, and peers.

Thank you for prayerfully considering your greatest gift possible as we Imagine Immeasurably More for the students and families of Sioux Falls Lutheran School. To make a contribution, please complete your pledge form and return it to Sioux Falls Lutheran School: 6715 S Boe Ln, Sioux Falls, SD 57108.

*Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation, Barna Group & Impact 360 Institute (2018)

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