SFLS Staff

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Mrs. Tia Esser

Executive Director

Mrs. Tia Esser

Executive Director

Year started at SFLS: I “officially” started in 2010 as the Administrator.

About you/your family: I am married to Paul and we have 3 children, Liz (married to Ross Owen), Tim (married to Kimberly), and Jacob. We also have 3 granddaughters—Sylvia, June, and Sophie.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: I most enjoy the nurturing aspects of my work with students and teachers alike. Internally, I frequently ask, “How can I help this person discover and achieve God’s will for his/her life?” Additionally, I enjoy “working the crowd” when classrooms of children line up outside of my office for PE, lunch, restroom breaks, etc.—it allows me to freely visit with them, and the conversations are priceless

Favorite Bible Verse: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” —Romans 12:2

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Mr. James Stubkjaer

Middle & High School Principal, Activities Director

Mr. James Stubkjaer

Middle & High School Principal, Activities Director

Year started at SFLS: 2021

What is your favorite thing about working in education? My favorite thing about working in education would be the opportunity to teach and learn from our youth. I enjoy helping to make a difference in their lives. Most people can think of one teacher who they really enjoyed and who made a difference in their life. Prov. 22:6

How do you anticipate your previous experiences in education to impact your new role and work at SFLS? I have spent 19 years in education, from teaching to coaching to being a prek-12th grade principal. All of that time and experience has helped me become the teacher/coach/person I am today. Those experiences and allowing God to work through me, giving Him all the honor and glory, will help me to be the best leader/teammate that I can be for SFLS. Prov. 6:20-23

Describe your leadership style. I would describe myself as a selfless servant leader, who leads from the heart with love. The greatest fruit of the spirit is love. The greatest leaders are selfless, and they help everyone around them to be their best. Luke 22:26

After experiencing SFLS as a parent, what do you look forward to about joining and leading a team of educators at our school? I look forward to the ability to sharpen and be sharpened by staff and students alike. Waking up every day to work for the Lord, build His team, and share the Gospel truly excites me! We have been praying for over two years for this opportunity, and God has opened the door for my family and I. We are truly blessed and very thankful for this wonderful opportunity. Prov. 27:17

Favorite Bible verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” —Prov. 3:5-6

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Dr. Kristen Newell


Dr. Kristen Newell


Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: The Newell family is a crazy bunch! My husband, Billy, is a Lutheran pastor. We have four children: Josiah, Addison, Naomi, and Evelynn. We love being active outside, playing sports, practicing music, and having fun. We also like to have rhythms of rest together with Friday night movie nights, afternoon rest time, and Sunday evenings in fellowship with other families. We also prioritize spending time with Jesus in devotions, worship, and prayer. Our days and weeks are messy. Our house is messy. We end up at church some days with no shoes! But we are trying to follow after Jesus more closely and to walk in his ways.

Education: I attended Sioux Falls Lutheran School from three years old to eighth grade. I graduated from Lincoln High School followed by Concordia University, Nebraska (2008), where I majored in secondary education, math, and physics. In 2011, I earned a Master of Science degree in Educational Administration from Concordia University Wisconsin, and in 2021 I completed a Doctor of Education degree in Leadership in Innovation and Continuous Improvement through Concordia University Wisconsin.

What inspired you to become a school leader?
I love education, and I love helping people know more about Jesus. Being able to do both of them at the same time at a Lutheran school is fabulous! I want to do everything I can to help Lutheran schools continue to be influential educational leaders while never losing sight of the bigger mission of sharing the forgiveness and love of Jesus and helping people to follow Jesus everyday as they live, work, and play. While I know I could be impactful and important in the classroom, I have felt that God is calling me to use my gifts to help lead leaders. As I look back, I see God working a path to prepare me as an organizational leader, and I am simply trying to follow where he leads.

Describe your experiences with STEM-based learning, and share what you look forward to about serving as our elementary STEM director.
In this generation, everything we touch is STEM-based. At the very least, the “T” in STEM (technology) is all around us. All learning can be integrated with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. As a middle school math and science teacher, I was able to both integrate STEM into my instruction and classroom activities, as well as directly teach STEM skills and methods.

As a STEM director, I look forward to equipping students to be inquisitive and creative problem solvers who will be successful in our future world. This future will contain jobs that don’t currently exist and that we have a hard time even imagining. The problems our students will be asked to solve in the future will require unique and innovative solutions with possibly limited resources. It is exciting to be a part of teaching students to think and then watch as they use their own gifts and passions to let their knowledge blossom.

Favorite Bible Verse: “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” –Micah 6:8

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Mrs. Brenda Bernard

Preschool Director

Mrs. Brenda Bernard

Preschool Director

Year started at SFLS: 2019

About you/your family: My husband Jim and I have one daughter named Leah.

Experience in education: I worked in the Sioux Falls School District for 26 years, where I served in a variety of roles including elementary special education teacher, early childhood program administrator, and elementary special education coordinator. I also enjoy presenting and have covered a variety of topics including student and teacher resiliency, classroom management, autism, dyslexia, special education, and more. In every role and in every school, I learned the importance of teamwork and service to each other as teachers, learners, and parents. I believe everything I have learned, the successes I have been a part of, and the challenges I have worked through have all played a role in preparing me for my work at SFLS. When put together, our past experiences give us the ability to think reflectively and creatively as teams to ensure all students grow academically, emotionally, and spiritually. I know that at SFLS, I will continue to learn and teach through successes and challenges.

What excites you most about integrating your faith with your passion for education? My life, like the lives of most, has had times of such joy and beauty, but also times of grief and disappointment. As teachers and parents we all have these experiences, and I cannot imagine approaching them without being grounded in faith and knowing the gift of grace and salvation given to us through Jesus Christ. Being able to share this faith, hope, and love in a community of believers, with the purpose of serving children and each other, is an immense gift and responsibility. Joining the SFLS team brings me full circle back to my roots of the joy of teaching and learning in Sunday School.

Favorite Bible Verse: “…And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” —Micah 6:8

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Mrs. Lisa Asmus

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Lisa Asmus

Administrative Assistant

What year did you start at SFLS?
I am a recycled staff member at SFLS, having taught part-time in a variety of areas for 13 years before retiring from teaching in 2013. I returned in 2023 to help out in the office, which I find myself loving! 

Tell me about yourself and your family.
I am a child of God. I am not perfect, but thankful for forgiveness. I am the youngest of six children and blessed to be married to Aaron Asmus for almost 40 years. He is the senior pastor at Memorial Lutheran Church. Throughout 37 years of ministry, he/we have served five different congregations in Minnesota, Florida, and South Dakota. God blessed us with four children. Andrew lives in Denver and is currently working at Golf Addiction. Alissa is married to Jesse Baker (pastor at Zion Lutheran Church, Hardwick, MN), works part-time as a church secretary at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Pipestone, MN, and gave us our first grandson, Kalan. Adam, a videographer and editor at Keloland, and his wife, Vania, a graphic designer and marketer for G.A. Construction, live in Sioux Falls. Our youngest, Alan, and our granddaughter, Alison, are in heaven with Jesus.

I enjoy spending time with my family, playing games, baking, serving in various ways with Lutheran Women in Mission, and worshipping and serving with the people at Memorial. Honoring God by serving others is the top of my JOY list!

What appeals to you about working in a school setting?
I am thankful to work each day at Sioux Falls Lutheran School. I love learning new things each day and working with a wonderful group of people in a Christ-centered atmosphere!

Favorite Bible verse?
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1).

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Mrs. Beth Martinez

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Beth Martinez

Administrative Assistant

Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: My family recently relocated to Sioux Falls from Nebraska. My husband Tedd and I have three sons. Our oldest, Connor, attends Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell. Sloane and Jude attend SFLS. Since we are new to the area, we look forward to exploring all that Sioux Falls has to offer and, of course, becoming a part of the Sioux Falls Lutheran community! In my free time I enjoy reading, gardening, traveling, camping, dancing, attending concerts, walking our doggie Pongo, and having downtime with my family.

What appeals to you about working in a school setting? The children, of course! Each child is such a unique being and can bring so much joy to others around them. I look forward to learning from every experience and every child. Plus, we get to worship Jesus together daily! My mother is a retired teacher and still volunteers at the Lutheran grade school my children attended in Nebraska. I have always admired how she exudes her love for God and for each and every one of her students! 

Favorite Bible verse: “Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” –Luke 23:43

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Mrs. Debbie Pankow

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Debbie Pankow

Administrative Assistant

Coming Soon!

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Mrs. Brooke Aker

Director of Academic Support

Mrs. Brooke Aker

Director of Academic Support

Year started at SFLS: 2014

About you/your family: My husband, Corey, and I have four children: Alyssa, Ethan, Andrew and Ella.

Education: I have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary & Special Education, with endorsements in Middle School Language Arts & Social Studies from Black Hills State University.

Hobbies: I enjoy reading, singing, handbells, camping, golf, and playing cards. 

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Mrs. Liz Slavens

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development

Mrs. Liz Slavens

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development

Year started at SFLS: 2020

About you/your family: I was born and raised in Norwood Young America, MN, where I spent a lot of time outside camping with my family. I was a competitive cheerleader in high school, so I enjoy watching one of my children follow in my footsteps at such a young age. Right now, my husband and I spend a lot of time running to various sporting events for our kids. 

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in secondary education from Concordia University, Nebraska. I completed my master’s degree in education at Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2009.

What do you look forward to about serving as director of curriculum development at SFLS? I am looking forward to being in a variety of classrooms and interacting with students of various ages and stages. I am excited to serve with colleagues to review the curriculum and ensure that our school is using best practices in and out of the classroom. 

What is your favorite Bible verse? “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” —Jeremiah 29:11

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Mr. Kyle Hanson

Fractional CFO

Mr. Kyle Hanson

Fractional CFO

Founder of Triun3—an organization that brings shared financial services, fractional CFO services, and business consulting services to Lutheran schools.
Kyle has over 25 years of experience in Fortune 500, public and private, and small to medium size businesses.

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Mrs. Myrth Perry


Mrs. Myrth Perry


Coming Soon!

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Mrs. Megan Baedke

Director of Community Engagement

Mrs. Megan Baedke

Director of Community Engagement

Year Started at SFLS: 2016

About you/your family: I grew up in Amboy, MN. I graduated from Augustana University in 2013 with a major in Journalism. My husband, Mike, and I are members at Resurrection Lutheran Church. 

Hobbies: Reading, playing the flute, having “Gourmet Cooking Nights” with friends, spending time outdoors, and traveling whenever I get the chance to do so.

Favorite Bible Verse: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” —Colossians 3:12-14

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Mrs. Vania Asmus

Admissions & Marketing Coordinator

Mrs. Vania Asmus

Admissions & Marketing Coordinator

What year did you start working at SFLS?

Where did you graduate from and what did you study?
I studied Graphic Design at the State College of Florida and Business Marketing at the University of South Florida.

Tell me about yourself and your family.
My husband, Adam, and I got married July 3, 2021, and we have two beautiful dogs, Blaze and Scooby. We are proud members of Memorial Lutheran Church, where we are blessed to be part of a close-knit community led by Pastor Aaron Asmus, who also happens to be my father-in-law. 

What appeals to you about working in a school setting?
Growing up, I always thought I’d end up working with kids as a teacher, but college threw a curveball, and I ended up with degrees in graphic design and business marketing. After college I worked for a short time in advertising, but it just never felt right. Life’s funny, though–it brought me back full circle to the school scene, and I totally credit that to a bit of divine intervention from God. I feel lucky to be working at this awesome school, surrounded by amazing teachers and staff. It’s like everything fell into place in the coolest way.

Working in a school setting allows me the opportunity to connect with students through a lens of faith. Witnessing their growth and individual perspectives is inspiring, and emphasizing the amazing potential within each student is something I truly enjoy. Engaging in their educational journey allows me to contribute to their development academically, personally, and spiritually. The school environment, guided by God, becomes a space where I can create a positive impact in the child’s future.

What do you most look forward to about working with prospective families as they seek a school home for their student(s)?
I’m thrilled to guide prospective families considering Sioux Falls Lutheran School on their faith-based education journey. What excites me most is introducing them to our school’s unique benefits and values. Beyond academics, we’re committed to integrating Christian principles into every aspect of a student’s education, fostering not just academic growth but also character development. I’m eager to share the enriching experiences that come with our faith-based approach and guide families through the opportunities for spiritual growth, moral development, and a strong sense of community.

Building connections with families who share our values is a priority, and I look forward to discussing how our school encourages a sense of purpose, empathy, and shared values that extend beyond the classroom. Ultimately, I’m excited about helping families discover how Sioux Falls Lutheran can provide a holistic education that nurtures the mind, spirit, and character of their child within our faith-based framework.

Favorite Bible verse:
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” –Philippians 4:13

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Mrs. Mikela Iverson

Marketing Coordinator

Mrs. Mikela Iverson

Marketing Coordinator

Year started at SFLS: 2012

About you/your family: I’m married to Travis. We have two daughters, Miah and Kenzie. We have 2 cats, Judith & Sammy, a rabbit, Pepper and Gertrude the hamster!

Hobbies: Traveling, being with family and friends, going to sporting events (Go Jacks!) , watching movies, organizing, spending extra time with my girls.

Favorite Bible Verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” —Jeremiah 29:11

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Mrs. Monica Pluim

Event Planner

Mrs. Monica Pluim

Event Planner

Tell us a bit about your family and your history with Sioux Falls Lutheran School. My husband, Darren, owned Goodride Auto in Tea, SD, for 13 years. He sold the business to join me in Real Estate at Coldwell Banker. We have three daughters who attend SFLS—Ainslee, Charlee, and Wrenlee, and we look forward to growing with the amazing staff and family at SFLS for many years to come, well into the high school years.

What kinds of experiences in your professional life have helped equip you for this new role? I thrive off of social engagement and helping people. I have put those skills to use in my sales, marketing and customer relations positions throughout the last 25 years, and especially the last 15 years. I look forward to working alongside longtime staff and volunteers at SFLS to bring in new ideas and support the wonderful things that are already happening in this community.

After experiencing SFLS as a parent, what do you look forward to about joining the ministry as a Brand Ambassador and Event Planner? When SFLS gets mentioned in any aspect, I cannot help but rave about the education, music program, and growing athletics program my family is experiencing. But most importantly, I am continually impressed by the theologically sound, Jesus-loving, genuine, and caring leadership and staff that our children spend so much time learning under. This is a community that I treasure, and I am honored to become part of the staff and to use my experience, contacts, and skills to enhance the events and fundraising needs to help this wonderful school grow.

Favorite Bible verse: Oh, there are so many! But one of them is Ephesians 3:20: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

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Mr. Frank Thuringer

Director of Educational Technology

Mr. Frank Thuringer

Director of Educational Technology

Year started at SFLS: 2016

About you/your family: My wife Kim and I have two children named Allyson and Colin.

Hobbies: Reading and photography.

Favorite Bible verse: “…Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9

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Mrs. Barb DeVos

School Counselor

Mrs. Barb DeVos

School Counselor

Year started at SFLS: I started at SFLS in 2009 via Carroll Institute contract.

About you/your family: I am originally from Rapid City, SD. I graduated from SDSU with undergraduate and master’s degrees in counseling. I am married to Dean, we have a daughter, Emily, who was recently engaged to Lee. We also have a golden doodle pup named Copper. I enjoy traveling, reading non-fiction, shopping, and warm sunshine.

What do you enjoy about working at SFLS? I enjoy the sounds of children’s laughter and the music.

Favorite Bible Verse: I love The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). My favorite verse from that passage is verse 27: “He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

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Mrs. Sarah Sailer

Interim Eagle Care Director

Mrs. Sarah Sailer

Interim Eagle Care Director

Mrs. Sailer is an SFLS veteran, having served SFLS for 20+ years in a variety of roles: classroom teacher, assistant principal, before/after school and summer program director, special projects coordinator, and perennial substitute wherever we need her. We are pleased to have her back on the team in an interim capacity! 

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Ms. Nakia Heiden

Infants Teacher

Ms. Nakia Heiden

Infants Teacher

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.Growing up one thing I always knew for certain is that I wanted to be a mom. When that longing then became reality, I understood the depths of His faithfulness more than ever. With that said, I am the mom of two incredible kids that have taught me endlessly about joy, grace, perseverance, unconditional love, gratitude, strength – the list goes on. They truly are the Greatest gifts and what have shaped me in more ways than one. They are what catapulted my passion to want to work with children even more so. Watching them grow and learn with His guidance and hopefully a little bit of mine, is the greatest joy. 

I grew up with two younger brothers, always wanting to be “mother hen”. Going into my teenage years nannying and babysitting were my favorite Jobs. Heading into my adult years of course brought motherhood, but also brought working in early childhood education for several years, serving as an assistant. I have genuinely valued each season and title I’ve been so blessed to carry. 

Outside of some of those titles, some activities I enjoy are hiking, camping, swimming, photography, thrifting, anything that gets me out in nature with my kids and/or can be an artistic outlet are some of the things I truly enjoy most and feel like such sweet gifts from the Lord. 

What do you enjoy most about working with our youngest learners?
Some things I enjoy most about working with our youngest learners is witnessing and getting the privilege to encourage/assist them to reach some of their milestones! It’s also such a joy to watch them flourish and grow into who God is shaping them to be and how their little personalities start to develop and thrive! I also enjoy and regularly learn from their excitement and joy in all things. 

Tell us how you plan to incorporate teaching about Jesus with your students.
My biggest hope and ways I seek to incorporate Christ into the classroom is by showing my students the love that He has for us. How He is a safe haven, a place of peace and comfort, and a nurturing, grace filled Father, are things I hope to embody and cultivate. Worship is one of my favorite ways to praise, so I plan to incorporate that as well along with regularly praying and reading scripture with the kids! 

Favorite Bible verse:
This one is hard, because in each season, whether in grief or joy, His word always speaks in different ways at just the right time. So if I’m honest, my favorite changes, well, regularly. But in this season my favorite would have to be, Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” 

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Ms. Elizabeth Larson

1-Year-Old Teacher

Ms. Elizabeth Larson

1-Year-Old Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2017

About you/your family: I graduated from Northern State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education, a minor in early childhood education. I’ve worked at Sioux Falls Lutheran School since 2017 as an educational assistant, an after school care provider, the summer program director, and now as the full-time 2-year-old teacher. In my free time, I enjoy going to my children’s events and doing things with them. All five of them used to figure skate, so I also took lessons with them (they were much better than me)! We also enjoy going to Stampede hockey games together. Before I had kids, I enjoyed cake decorating and quilting. 

Education: I graduated from Northern State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education, a minor in early childhood education, and endorsements in kindergarten and middle school language arts, social science, and natural science.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: I have always loved working with young children. Watching them develop and learn on their own, with my guidance, brings me great joy! When a child is working on a new skill, I will be their cheerleader. 

Favorite Bible Verse: I really don’t have one favorite, because each moment of my life requires a different verse. When it comes to working with 2-year-olds, Matthew 19:14 comes to mind: “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”

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Ms. Glenda Jones

2-Year-Old Teacher

Ms. Glenda Jones

2-Year-Old Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2020

Education: I earned my associate degree in child development.

After 25 years as a lead toddler teacher, what is your favorite part of working with 2-year-olds? My favorite part of working with two-year-olds is interacting with the children. Playing games together, engaging them in dramatic play, and participating at group circle times are some of the activities we do daily.

How do you approach hands-on learning with toddlers? For hands-on learning, I provide a variety of materials that the children can use their senses to explore. It is imperative that children have the opportunity to explore their world inside and outside.

Share a little bit about how you plan to incorporate Jesus into the classroom. Incorporating Jesus into the classroom will be accomplished by telling Bible stories and praising God with Bible songs. We will teach the children how to give thanks through prayer for God’s many blessings.

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Mrs. Mary Lunstra

3-year-old teacher

Mrs. Mary Lunstra

3-year-old teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: My husband and I have two boys, Kaleb and Layne. I enjoy traveling, being with family, shopping, kayaking, hiking, and just being outdoors.

Education: I graduated from SDSU with a bachelor’s degree in early childhood and elementary education.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style.
Through my many years of teaching and working with children, I have developed a caring and patient teaching style. I want to develop a community in my classroom where my students feel safe and excited to be in my class. I want to develop a relationship with them so I am able to meet their emotional and developmental needs.

What do you enjoy most about working with young learners?
I love working with young learners because everything is new and exciting to them. They are like little sponges and soak up everything you teach them. I love to see how much they grow throughout the year.

Favorite Bible verse:
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” –Jeremiah 29:11

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Miss Heather Miller

3-year-old teacher

Miss Heather Miller

3-year-old teacher

Year started at SFLS: I started at SFLS in 1987 as a kindergartener and graduated in 1996. However, I began teaching at SFLS in 2011. This year, I will be teaching 3-year-old preschool.

About you/your family: My parents and younger brother all live in Sioux Falls, so I get to see them often. My brother recently got married, and I have several young cousins who I enjoy spending time with. I like to read, listen to music, watch movies, hang out with family and friends, and visit my grandpa’s farm.  

Education: I have an Elementary Education degree from Dakota State University and a master’s degree from Concordia University Portland.  I also got my Colloquy from Concordia University Seward.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: I enjoy sharing the love of Christ with the kids and their families.  My students are so exciting to work with, always make me smile and laugh, and are so curious.  It is fun to get to learn with them and watch them as they grow physically, emotionally, and most especially spiritually.  I also really enjoy the staff that I get to work every day.  It is a joy to work with other people who share my faith, whom I can learn from and pray with.

Favorite bible verse: There are so many good ones to choose from. Currently, one of my favorites is: “You are the light of the world…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” —Matthew 5:14-16

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Ms. Anamarie Van Cura


Ms. Anamarie Van Cura


Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.
I went to St Paul’s Lutheran School in Sioux City Iowa from kindergarten to 6th grade. My family and I were members of their church. My parents both live in Sioux City. Both of my brothers live in the suburbs of Minneapolis. I have 1 nephew and 1 niece and love being their auntie. I also have two cats and 1 dog. 

How did you decide to pursue a career in education?
I have always wanted to be a teacher. I used to play teacher with my baby dolls and stuffed animals. I also really enjoy working with younger children. I felt a calling to teach when I helped with Vacation Bible School every summer. 

Tell me a bit about your teaching style.
I believe that building relationships with my students and their families will create a positive classroom environment which sets up trust and respect. I value learning through play and creating hands on, child led activities that encourage critical thinking and active participation. 

What do you enjoy most about working with 3-year-olds?
I love working in early childhood because of how eager they are learn and how curious they are to understand the world around them. They soak up everything you teach and grow so much over a year. It’s very rewarding to watch their growth. 

Favorite Bible verse:
Philippians 2: 5, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset at Jesus Christ.”

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Mrs. Sara Brinkman

4-year-old teacher

Mrs. Sara Brinkman

4-year-old teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2020

Education: I graduated from South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Consumer Sciences, which includes a major in early childhood education, certifications in birth through age five, and endorsements in kindergarten and special education.

How did you decide to pursue a career in early childhood education? I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. My grandmother was a teacher, my mother is a teacher, and so it’s all I have ever wanted to do. In college, I decided to pursue early childhood education because I recognized how important those first five years of a child’s life are, and I wanted to do my part to ensure that children are receiving high quality care and education from day one, which will help them be prepared and ready to excel as they enter into school.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. My teaching style inspires children to be curious and creative thinkers who are intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially ready for the big years ahead. I provide both teacher-directed and child-led opportunities that foster problem-solving and self-help skills, to help result in well-rounded confident children. This will also be the first year I will have the opportunity to integrate faith into my classroom, and I am so excited! I envision my classroom to be a faith-centered environment, where I can reinforce a positive view and perception of God and support the natural development of characteristics that will help children have Christ-like compassion, grace, and unconditional love.

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Mrs. Jade Fjelstad

4-year-old teacher

Mrs. Jade Fjelstad

4-year-old teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2019

About you/your family: I’ve spent 15 years working in preschool and elementary special education classrooms. My family and I also attend Resurrection Lutheran Church, were I serve as a Sunday school and vacation Bible school. In my free time, I enjoy reading, riding bike, camping, watching my boys play baseball, and scrapbooking.

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Education from Black Hills State University.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: Preschool children have so much love and passion for learning everything about their world. I love being able to share their love for learning and help them grow—those aspects of my job are what led me to preschool. In addition, special education has always been very near and dear to my heart. One of my best friends in high school used a wheel chair. Learning of her struggles in life encouraged me to work with special needs students to have a chance to make a positive influence in their lives. Finally, I absolutely love sharing the love of Jesus with children! I love having the opportunity to openly teach about Jesus and watch children grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Favorite Bible Verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” —Jeremiah 29:11

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Mrs. Christina VanDenHoek

4-year-old teacher

Mrs. Christina VanDenHoek

4-year-old teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2022

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary education from Northwestern College in Orange City, IA. Since 2012, I’ve gained a variety of teaching experience across the Sioux Empire in pre-kindergarten, junior kindergarten, head start, and early childhood special education.

How did you decide to pursue a career in early childhood education? I have always enjoyed being around kids, especially the younger ages. I have a desire to help kids establish a solid foundation so they can be successful in their future education.

Share a bit about your teaching style. In my classroom, I strive to provide structure so students feel safe and comfortable to create and explore the various materials presented in the classroom. Each month we will study various topics that are relevant to students’ everyday life.

What do you enjoy most about working with 4-year-olds? I love the excitement and energy that 4-year-olds bring to school. Their curiosity and honesty make every day an adventure.

What excites you most about integrating your faith with your passion for education at SFLS? I am excited to pray with the kids every day, teach them various Bible stories, and explore how the stories in the Bible can relate to their lives today.

Favorite Bible verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” —Proverbs 3:5-6

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Miss Kate Boyens

Fantastic Fives Teacher

Miss Kate Boyens

Fantastic Fives Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: I grew up in Omaha, NE with my two brothers, Connor and Davis, and my parents, Mark and Steph. In my free time I love staying active, being outdoors, and traveling. 

Education: I graduated from Augustana University in May, 2023, where I earned degrees in elementary and special education.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. I like to base my teaching style off of what is best for each student at the time, while providing structure and a positive and safe learning environment. I believe each student has different abilities, and I’m looking forward to drawing them out of them through building connections with my students.

What do you enjoy most about working with young learners? I enjoy the energy and eagerness to learn that young learners bring to the classroom each day. 

How do you envision integrating faith into your classroom daily? I envision integrating faith into my classroom through prayer, worship, demonstrating the love of Jesus to each of my students, and taking every opportunity to bring it back to the goodness of God. 

Favorite Bible verse: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” –1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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Miss Serenati Melcher

Kindergarten teacher

Miss Serenati Melcher

Kindergarten teacher

Year started at SFLS: I started at SFLS in 2021 as an educational assistant in Mrs. McKenzie Johnson’s kindergarten classroom. In the fall of 2022, I moved into my own kindergarten classroom.

About you/your family: I grew up in Bemidji, Minnesota. I am the oldest of eight children, so there is almost never a dull moment in my family! I enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful trails Northern Minnesota has to offer. Itasca State Park is one of my favorite places to visit, as I love seeing where the Mississippi River begins. 

Education: I earned my degree in early childhood education from Saint Cloud State University. Throughout college, I worked as an assistant program manager at Kidstop Boys and Girls Club of Central Minnesota. After graduating in May, 2021, I served as an educational assistant kindergarten at SFLS.

What do you enjoy most about working with kindergarteners? What I enjoy most about working with kindergarteners is that this is the age where many things are new and unfamiliar at the beginning of the school year. Breaking things down into their simplest form is necessary in order to help students succeed. As a teacher, it is rewarding to watch students grow in so many ways throughout the year–so much learning takes place through the hard moments and the exciting ones, and it’s fun to watch it all come together by the end of the year. I am reminded by my students to appreciate the importance of taking in the small things to help see the greater picture.

Favorite Bible verse: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.” –Psalm 28:7

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Mrs. Janelle Henry

Kindergarten Educational Assistant

Mrs. Janelle Henry

Kindergarten Educational Assistant

Year started at SFLS: 2015

About you/your family: My husband, Justin, and I have two boys named Taten and Cohen.

Education: I graduated from Washington High School in Sioux Falls.

Hobbies: I enjoy shopping, spending time with family, and attending all sorts of sporting events including football, hockey and baseball

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Mrs. McKenzie Johnson

Kindergarten teacher

Mrs. McKenzie Johnson

Kindergarten teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2021

About you/your family: I grew up in Webster, SD, and enjoy outdoor activities. My favorite outdoor activity is enjoying time with my family at our lake cabin. My parents, Rick and Jennifer, have been an amazing support for me growing up. I have a twin sister, Mariah, and an older sister, Alexa, who I love spending time with. I met my husband, Riley, at Augustana University, and we were married in June, 2021.

Education: I graduated from Augustana University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary education, minors in English as a new language and reading, and endorsements in kindergarten and English as a new language.

What do you enjoy most about working with kindergarten students? Working with kindergarteners allows me to support them in becoming well-rounded individuals who begin to discover their unique personalities in a school setting. In kindergarten, I am able to establish and light a love for learning within these students right away. Teaching and learning with the students as they begin to establish essential foundational skills is beyond rewarding. Witnessing these students blossom as these skills are mastered is one of my favorite aspects of kindergarten. The social-emotional aspect of school is also one of the main reasons why kindergarten is my passion. Supporting students and teaching students right away in kindergarten to to manage emotions, set positive goals, show empathy, and maintain positive relationships allows them to be set up for success as they continue through school. Everyday, I look forward to the excitement and energy of a kindergarten student.

Favorite Bible verse: “‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” –Isaiah 54:10

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Mrs. Barb Pospischil

Kindergarten Educational Assistant

Mrs. Barb Pospischil

Kindergarten Educational Assistant

Bio Coming Soon

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Mrs. Amanda Thomas

1st Grade Teacher

Mrs. Amanda Thomas

1st Grade Teacher

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family. Hobbies outside of work?
I grew up in Bismarck, North Dakota. My husband Jimmy, is a middle school math teacher. We have three children, Lydia, Isaac, and Micah. We also added a goldendoodle named Kuiper to our family this past spring. Outside of work I enjoy spending time outside with my family, reading, and sharing coffee and meals with friends.

How did you decide to pursue a career in education?
I always loved school and had great experiences with my elementary teachers. My teachers really instilled a love of learning. I also enjoy helping others and was always involved in helping with Sunday school, babysitting and volunteering in elementary classrooms so it was a natural choice to study Elementary Education.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style.
I enjoy getting to know each of my students personally and working to build a community of learners who can trust their peers, themselves, and me. I want to help students to learn to work hard, have fun and grow in their faith. I try to be a coach for students and enjoy coming alongside them to help them discover and earn new skills. I do this through setting routines for students, whole group instruction, small group instruction and teaching students to work with partners and individually. I look forward to opportunities to share my faith and Christian values with students as well.

What do you enjoy most about working with 1st grade students?
First grade is a special year where skills students have learned in reading and math really come together so the growth is very easy to see and exciting to watch and celebrate. First graders are also building their independence and learning so much about themselves, the world, and how to make decisions for themselves. I love coming alongside them in these things and sharing Jesus with them as they learn and grow..

Favorite Bible verse:
Psalm 139:14 
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

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Mrs. Britney Vercruysse

1st Grade Teacher

Mrs. Britney Vercruysse

1st Grade Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2017

About you/your family: I grew up in Madison, Nebraska. I got married in May, 2017, to my wonderful husband, Scott. We have a chocolate lab named Dash, a daughter named Mabel, and a son named Bo. In my free time, I love gardening, traveling, and going for walks with my husband.

Education: I graduated from Concordia University–Nebraska in 2014 with a B.S. in Elementary Education, an endorsement in Special Education, and a Lutheran Teaching Diploma. Before coming to SFLS, I taught first grade at St. Rose of Lima in Crofton, Nebraska. I was also a four-year member of the varsity women’s basketball team at Concordia.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: The most enjoyable thing I get to do every day is telling and sharing the little children about the love of Jesus.

Favorite bible verse: “We have this Hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” —Hebrews 6:19

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Miss Sierra Geistfeld

2nd Grade Teacher

Miss Sierra Geistfeld

2nd Grade Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2023

Education: I graduated from a small Lutheran School in Truman, Minnesota. From there, I went on to attend Concordia University, Nebraska, where I earned a degree in elementary education, an endorsement in special education, and a Lutheran teacher’s diploma.

What inspired you to pursue a career in Christian education? The teachers in my own educational journey and my mom (a 5th & 6th grade Lutheran teacher) inspired me to pursue a career in Christian education. I look forward to teaching students the foundational skills they need to be successful in life, but most importantly to help them grow in their faith. 

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. My teaching style is a student-centered approach, where students are directly involved in their learning through collaboration with peers. I believe that each student has different gifts and talents that they bring to the classroom, because we are all uniquely created by God. My goal is to provide an education that fosters each of my student’s strengths and helps them grow in their areas of weakness.

How do you envision integrating faith into your classroom daily? I envision integrating faith into my classroom daily through morning devotions, praying with my students, singing songs, and teaching them various Bible stories and how they relate to their lives today.

Favorite Bible verse: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” –Colossians 3:17

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Mrs. Hiedi Johnson

2nd Grade Teacher

Mrs. Hiedi Johnson

2nd Grade Teacher

Year started at SFLS: I started at SFLS in 2018 as an educational assistant in kindergarten. I began my role as kindergarten teacher in the fall of 2019, and transitioned to 2nd grade in the fall of 2022.

About you/your family: My husband Scott and I have three children: Aliyah, Annabelle, and Brooks. One of my biggest passions in life is running. In fact, my passion for running is the same as the passion I have for teaching. It is the fuel that drives me to accomplish my goals inside and outside of the classroom. My passion for running has taught me how to work hard and persevere, and I will use those skills to help my students become world ready and faith secure. I also hope that my passion for teaching will be visible in the classroom and make a difference in the lives of my students.

Education: I graduated from Augustana University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary and physical education, as well as a coaching endorsement.

Most enjoyable aspects of teaching ministry:  The thing that I enjoy most about SFLS is the people. I enjoy teaching the students, meeting the parents, and working with the staff. Everyone has made me feel welcome since the day I walked through the doors at SFLS. My goal is to make my students and their families feel as welcome and important as I have since I arrived here. I am excited to be a part of this community!

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Miss Rachel Borchardt

3rd Grade Teacher

Miss Rachel Borchardt

3rd Grade Teacher

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.
If I’m not brain- storming new lessons, you can find me reading a book outside, playing an instrument, or finding out which family member is free to spend time with!
My family consists of my wonderful parents, siblings, brother in law, and adorable niece. Our favorite thing to do is sit around the table playing cards and telling stories about our lives.

How did you decide to pursue a career in education?
I grew up in an incredibly supportive and God- centered family that fostered my love of teaching from the moment I had my own Sunday School class in seventh grade. 

Tell me a bit about your teaching style.
My teaching style emphasizes hands- on learning, diverse learning needs, and opening myself to the questions students have whether they’re part of the lesson or not!

What do you enjoy most about working with 3rd grade students?
I love working with third graders because of their example of child- like faith and willingness to explore in their learning. It truly is an exciting age!

Favorite Bible verse:
My favorite Bible verse has always been John 13:7 “Jesus answered him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.” This verse reminds me that His plan is always best, even when we’re trying to figure out the next step. 

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Mrs. Katie Mlnarik

3rd Grade Teacher

Mrs. Katie Mlnarik

3rd Grade Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2015

About you/your family: My husband and I, along with our dog, Henry, moved to Sioux Falls in 2014. We welcomed a baby boy, Jonah, to our family in November 2015. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, spending time outside, reading, technology, and traveling.

Education: I earned an elementary teaching degree with an emphasis in biology from Concordia University in Seward, NE. After graduating, I served for four years at Trinity Lutheran School in Billings, Montana as their 3rd grade teacher.

Most enjoyable aspects of teaching ministry: I look forward to being in the classroom to assist students as they explore and experience growing into young Christian leaders for our community.

Favorite Bible Verse: “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” —Isaiah 40:30-31 

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Mrs. Kristy Bridges

4th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Kristy Bridges

4th Grade Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2007

About you/your family: My husband, Mark, and I have two boys named David and Eli.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: Sharing the love of Jesus.

Hobbies: Reading and watching movies.

Favorite Bible Verse: “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” —Psalm 37:4

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Mr. Jon Pinn

5th Grade Teacher

Mr. Jon Pinn

5th Grade Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2001

About you/your family: My wife, Heidi, and I have two sons named Adam and Daniel. We love staying active with our kids activities which include baseball, basketball, running, and competitive swimming.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: The most enjoyable aspect of my teaching ministry is integrating the Christian faith into all learning. It’s such a blessing to see God at work in the daily lives of his children and this school.

Favorite Bible Verse: One of my favorite Bible passages is from Colossians 3:1-4, where Paul encourages us to set our hearts and minds on things above.

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Mr. Joshua Johansen

8th Grade Homeroom & Middle School Math & History

Mr. Joshua Johansen

8th Grade Homeroom & Middle School Math & History

Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: I’ve been married to my wife, Jen, since December 1, 2012. We have four children, all of whom attend Sioux Falls Lutheran, and we are members at Memorial Lutheran Church. I spent a lot of time hunting and fishing as a child, and I still get out fishing multiple times a year. Other than fishing, my family enjoys playing board games, card games, watching movies, and spending time outdoors (including camping and disc golf).

Education: I graduated from South Dakota State University with a degree in history and a teaching certificate with endorsements in middle school math, social science, and secondary advanced history.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. As a teacher, I bring energy and enthusiasm to the classroom. I like to have fun and involve the students with engaging activities. I enjoy working with middle school students because they are just entering a time in their life where brain development is capable of deeper thinking. Middle school is a very impressionable age, and students need positive guidance during those years. 

How do you envision integrating faith into your classroom daily? Much of our society promotes atheism and accepting sin as normal or okay behavior. As a teacher in a Christian school, I can consistently relate back to God’s Word and use apologetics to help students strengthen their faith in God’s Truth. Our sinful society is good at twisting and confusing reality, so our kids need to be prepared for the world we live in.

Favorite Bible verse: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” –James 1:2-3

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Miss Kristina Luczak

8th Grade Homeroom & MS & HS Math Teacher

Miss Kristina Luczak

8th Grade Homeroom & MS & HS Math Teacher

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.
I’m the 4th of 5 kids in my family, and enjoy being the fun aunt to my 7 nephews and 1 niece!

How did you decide to pursue a career in education?
I chose education because I love helping others and love showing people the joys of learning! When someone gets a “lightbulb” moment, it makes my whole day!

Tell me a bit about your teaching style.
My teaching style is giving students opportunities to build their confidence in mathematics, and finding ways to explain topics that build understanding.

What do you enjoy most about working with middle and high school students?
I enjoy working with middle and high school students because of their senses of humor and the relationships you get to build. Students grow so much during that time, and getting to be a part of that is a true joy! 

Favorite Bible verse:
One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:38 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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Ms. Marli Ockander

7th Grade Homeroom & Middle School Science

Ms. Marli Ockander

7th Grade Homeroom & Middle School Science

Year started at SFLS: 2003

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: Watching joy fill the hearts, faces, and actions of students who know Jesus as their Savior. Experiencing the “light bulb” moments with the students as they learn. Sharing knowledge and learning with students.

Hobbies: I enjoy Husker football, soccer, traveling and bird watching.

Favorite Bible Verse: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” —Philippians 4:13

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Mr. Alan West

6th Grade Homeroom & Middle School ELA

Mr. Alan West

6th Grade Homeroom & Middle School ELA

Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: I am from the small town Clarkfield, MN, and grew up with four brothers. I have one son, Hunter, and twin daughters, Haidyn and Hannah. We love spending time with our cousins, going to church, fire pitting, and watching the Vikings on most days. In my free time I enjoy fishing, hunting, and golfing, and I recently picked up another activity called pickleball. I really enjoy being active and outdoors. 

Education: I earned my degree in education from St. Cloud State University and have worked in education for over 30 years. Over the course of my career I’ve served in a variety of roles, including 4th grade, 5th grade, and middle school English, math, social studies, physical education, and health. I’ve also coached football, boys and girls basketball, track, and girls golf.

How did you decide to pursue a career in education? My admiration for a lot of my teachers when I was growing up inspired me to pursue a career in education. In particular, my third and seventh grade teachers.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. I enjoy connecting with students by sharing my real life experiences with them. I believe by doing that the students will respond and open up more to having real conversations.

Favorite Bible Verse: “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” –2 Corinthians 5:7

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Mr. Austin Albers

High School History

Mr. Austin Albers

High School History

Year started at SFLS: 2020

Education: Association Free Lutheran Bible School (AFLBS) 2007-09; Concordia University, Nebraska, 2009-13.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: Every day spent at this school is a joy! Teaching at SFLS is being a part of a close family of like-minded, Christ-centered educators, students, and parents. I sometimes can’t believe I’m paid to do something I love so much! 

What are your hobbies? Church league softball, reading (esp. Dostoevsky and Dante), revels in theology and baseball history, collecting stamps and vintage Superman comics; enjoys biking, camping, and traveling to historic sites.

What is your favorite Bible verse? “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” —Luke 12:32

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Mrs. Heidi Albers

High School English Language Arts

Mrs. Heidi Albers

High School English Language Arts

Year started at SFLS: 2020

About you/your family: I grew up on a farm in southeast Nebraska with my parents and twin sister. I met my husband, Austin Albers, while attending Concordia University, Nebraska, and have been very blessed to work with him as he teaches high school social studies at Sioux Falls Lutheran School. We have three beautiful, young, and energetic children, Cordelia, Rhys, and Tristan. I enjoy reading, writing, crafting, and singing in my church choir. Our family enjoys walks around our neighborhood, visiting grandparents on the farm, and movie nights at home. Theatre is a major passion of mine, and I try to find many opportunities to attend theatre and musical productions.

What do you enjoy most about working at SFLS? I love the faith-and-family type atmosphere found here at SFLS! It’s a joy to interact with students, parents, and staff daily. The amazing community of families and continual support from coworkers is unlike anything I have ever been a part of. By sharing my love and appreciation for all aspects of English, communication, and writing, I hope to prepare students to feel confident in their communication skills before they graduate. Also, my husband and I are the leaders and directors of the theatre department. I enjoy sharing my passion for the dramatic arts with our students and helping them master their acting talents.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. I enjoy collaborative and creative work where students can participate in hands-on activities and projects to help them become more engaged in the content being discussed. I enjoy finding many different ways to engage students in both literature and the arts.

How do you envision integrating faith into your classroom daily? I plan to incorporate the Christian worldview while diving into different texts we read together, studying how writers and the characters within their stories interact with the world, and how we as Christians should live and react in comparison.

Favorite Bible verse:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” –James 1:2-3

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Pastor Chris Ascher

High School Theology

Pastor Chris Ascher

High School Theology

Year started at SFLS: 2020

Education: I attended the University of Kansas (KU) in Lawrence, KS with an intent to watch big-time college athletics. While there I played tuba in the marching band, so that I could get good seats! After several changes to my major, I graduated in 1999 with my Bachelors of Science Degree (BSE) in Elementary/Middle Education with an emphasis on Social Studies and English. Instead of teaching, I went on to Concordia Seminary in St. Louis where I graduated with my Master’s of Divinity (MDIV) in 2003. After several years as a pastor, I returned to school part-time at Concordia Seminary where I graduated with my Doctor of Ministry (DMIN) degree in 2014. I believe in life-long learning and am always considering what I can learn next. 

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: It might be too predictable, but as a pastor I enjoy helping my students learn about the Christian faith and the saving grace of Jesus Christ! I enjoy challenging their minds and pushing them to wrestle with deep questions that every one of us deal with like: “Who am I?”, “Where do we come from?”, “Why are we here?”, “What is right and wrong?” and “Who determines it?” These are questions for which only God’s Word provides sufficient answers.

What are your hobbies? There is not a lot of time outside of teaching at SFLS and serving my congregation at Resurrection Lutheran Church. When I do have free time, I like to use it to watch college basketball games (Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk! Go KU!) or St. Louis Cardinals baseball. I also enjoy reading and playing games with my family. I have also been known to go chasing after the ever elusive whitetail and cooking up a homegrown batch of fire-breathing salsa.  

What is your favorite Bible verse? “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” —Psalm 37:5.

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Mrs. Amanda Easterling

6-12 STEM Coordinator & High School Science Teacher

Mrs. Amanda Easterling

6-12 STEM Coordinator & High School Science Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2022

About you/your family: My husband Joey and I moved to South Dakota in 2021 with our their three children. We love being outside hiking, skiing, gardening, and biking. When forced to be inside, we love watching the Green Bay Packers and doing as many home improvement projects as our three little children will allow.

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in biology, with minors in chemistry and Spanish literature, from Union University in Jackson, TN. With a husband in the military, my family moved several times during the first 10 years of my career. As a result, I’ve gained teaching experience in a variety of different school settings and subject areas, to include pre-algebra, pre-calculus, physical science, chemistry, pre-AP biology, pre-AP chemistry, biology, AP biology, Spanish, math and science tutoring.

Science and Spanish literature are two very different tracks–how did you decide to study both in college? My original goal when I graduated high school was to attend med school and become a pediatric oncologist back in Texas. I knew that being able to communicate in Spanish would be super helpful in communicating with people in Texas. So, in addition to biology and chemistry, I also chose to study Spanish literature, because I was able to kill two birds with one stone by taking some required world literature classes that were necessary for graduation.

As I got closer to graduating, I discovered a passion for mentoring middle and high school students. I felt a calling from the Lord to pursue a career that would allow me to explore that passion while also having time to spend with family. I took a position as a long-term sub in Memphis when I first graduated, and I fell in love with education. I have now been teaching for 11 years. 

What excites you about integrating your faith with your passion for education at SFLS? I was blessed to attend Union University, which places a high emphasis on the integration of faith and learning. I have seen how scientific exploration can deepen our love for, and understanding of, God. I am excited to hopefully be an example to students of how you can be a critical thinker who is curious about how the world works while also having an unshakable faith in Jesus Christ.

Favorite Bible verse: “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” —Philippians 4:11-13

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Mrs. Whitney Fisher

High School Science

Mrs. Whitney Fisher

High School Science

Year started at SFLS: 2020

Education: I earned my bachelor’s degree in biology education from the University of South Dakota and have experience teaching 8th grade earth science, biology, anatomy, STEM, forensics, and integrated science classes.

How did you decide to pursue a career in education? I used to play school all the time when I was younger, and it seemed like a fun, rewarding career. I also love science and wanted to share that passion with others.

What led you to specialize in science? Are there particular areas of science that you are most passionate about? Science explains everything that happens in the world—how it happens, why it happens, and why things are the way they are. It’s so fascinating! I also like that it is constantly changing and we are constantly learning new things. There is always something to learn in the world of science.

Tell me a little bit about your teaching style. I like variety, so tasks in my classroom consist of doing labs, activities, watching videos, etc… anything besides doing the same old thing day in and day out.

What excites you most about integrating your faith in the classroom? I’m most excited about the fact that I get to learn and grow in my faith along with my students!

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Ms. Leanne Holdorf

High School Math Teacher

Ms. Leanne Holdorf

High School Math Teacher

Tell us about your college education. I graduated from South Dakota State University in May, 2014, with a B.S. in Mathematics specializing in education with endorsements in coaching.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: Seeing a student’s “light-bulb” moment when they finally understand something.

What are your hobbies? I enjoy playing with technology, reading, writing, singing, and playing games with friends.

What is your favorite Bible verse? “Be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you.” —1 Samuel 12:24

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Pastor Doug Slavens

High School Theology

Pastor Doug Slavens

High School Theology

Year started at SFLS: 2022

About you/your family: I grew up on a farm in southern Missouri, and I enjoyed all things related to living in the country and on a farm. I met my wife, Liz Slavens, in 2008 and we have five amazing children, Ruby, Henry, Elsie, Lydia, and lastly Cecilia, all of whom attend Sioux Falls Lutheran School. Our household is a beautifully chaotic place, so our family enjoys anything related to spending time outdoors. Summer in South Dakota is our favorite time of the year.

Education: I received my BA in Theology in 2015 through Concordia University Wisconsin (Go Falcons!) and my Master’s of Divinity through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in 2019. Prior to finishing my education, my first career was in logistics working for Coca-Cola.

What do you enjoy most about teaching high school theology? Making connections. Not just relationships (which is great), but I really enjoy walking alongside these young adults and seeing them “connect” their faith to everyday life, sometimes for the first time.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. My teaching style is a lot like me, conversational. I believe real connections happen when we engage more than one of our senses, so I like to use activities that include tangible connections.

What is your favorite Bible verse? “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” —Lamentations 3:22-23

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Senora Morgan Gosch

K-12 Spanish, Varsity Volleyball Coach

Senora Morgan Gosch

K-12 Spanish, Varsity Volleyball Coach

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.
Outside of work I find joy in travel, drawing inspiration from different cultures/languages. I also find solace in God’s word. I’m an avid outdoor enthusiast, often staying active and spending time with my Bernese Mountain Dog (Hue). And as a self-proclaimed coffee aficionado, I love exploring local coffee joints and discovering hidden gems in every community I visit.

How did you decide to pursue a career in education?
My passion for education blossomed during my time at Great Plains Lutheran in Watertown, South Dakota. There, I was daily surrounded by Christian teachers and peers that grew me spiritually and academically. I actively participated in many activities such as volleyball, track, chess, theater, student council, and Spanish club.

Tell me a bit about your teaching style

My teaching style focuses on making language learning both accessible and enjoyable for my students. I believe in the power of comprehensible input, ensuring that my students are immersed in the language in ways they can understand and use in real-life contexts. I also recognize the importance of grammar, but I aim to teach it in a way that feels engaging and interactive. I incorporate hands-on learning and projects to help students grasp grammatical concepts while keeping them motivated. My favorite part of teaching is relating everything back to Christ, as I believe that faith should be at the heart of everything we do. This allows me to not only support my students academically but also spiritually, creating a classroom environment where they can grow in both their language skills and their faith.

What do you enjoy most about teaching Spanish?
What I enjoy most about teaching Spanish is the opportunity to share my love for the language and the diverse cultures that come with it. My passion for Spanish began when I visited Guatemala in high school and fell in love with different cultures. This passion only grew stronger when I lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2022, and later in heavily Spanish-speaking areas like Phoenix, Arizona, and Southern California. I find great joy in watching my students realize that learning Spanish opens up a whole new world of communication and connection with people from different backgrounds. Spanish is such a fun and dynamic language, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see my students embrace it with enthusiasm.

Tell me a bit about your coaching style.
My coaching style is centered around developing strong followers of Christ who can see the connection between their faith and their experiences in sports. I aim to guide my athletes in relating any issue or challenge they face on the court to Christ, helping them grow not only as players but also as individuals of strong character and faith. I’m also a coach who deeply cares for my athletes—I strive to be compassionate and fully involved in their development, both on and off the court. My goal is to create a supportive and nurturing environment where they feel valued and motivated to excel.

What do you look forward to about working with our student athletes?
I look forward to building meaningful relationships with our student-athletes and helping them grow both in their sport and in their faith. I’m excited about the opportunity to mentor them, not just in developing their athletic skills, but also in guiding them to become strong followers of Christ who can apply their faith to all aspects of their lives. I’m eager to support them through challenges, celebrate their successes, and watch them grow into confident, compassionate, and resilient individuals. Working closely with them, I hope to create a positive and uplifting team culture where every athlete feels valued and inspired to reach their full potential.

Favorite Bible verse:
I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you. For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.” -Psalm 56:12-13

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Mrs. Angela Hoekman

K-12 Art

Mrs. Angela Hoekman

K-12 Art

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family. My husband, Tim, is a firefighter with the City of Sioux Falls. We have three children: Isaiah, Annaliese and Toby. Our family loves playing board games, camping, and enjoying the outdoors. Outside of the classroom you might find me gardening, decorating, scrapbooking, sewing, studying, or reading. Most likely I will be volunteering or listening to a high school marching band, carpooling my daughter to ballet, or watching a baseball game.  

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Dakota State University in Madison, SD.

How did you decide to pursue a career in education? Watching students’ faces light up when they make a connection in what we are learning is why I decided to pursue a career in education. I love building a passion for life-long learning with students. I believe great teachers are passionate, sincere, innovative, nurturing, and growth-minded. In my classroom, you’ll find students actively engaged in learning. We explore thinking ‘outside the box’ and approaching tasks from different perspectives as we focus on creativity. Students use their natural curiosity to build confidence and integrate their creativity.  

What do you look forward to about teaching children who range in age from kindergarten to 12th grade? Building relationships with students and being part of their lives is what I am most looking forward to! I am excited to promote a strong school culture where students are connected and engaged in learning. What a joy it will be to see students grow in art education as they build on those skills year after year. I am blessed to join the excellent school culture at Sioux Falls Lutheran, sharing my faith in the classroom and school community.

What excites you most about integrating your faith with your passion for art education? God’s beautiful world is all around us to enjoy! Every day we experience the awe of creation—from the sunrise to sunset, every creature, and the calm after the storm. God has created every tree, hilltop, mountain, plain, ocean, lake and river—each and every piece of every landscape. Each detail was uniquely designed and created for his glory, just like us! In art class, we will use the creativity God has given us to create pieces of art while we study art history and artists from around the world, practice techniques, and explore art careers.

Favorite Bible Verse: “You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.” —Isaiah 26:3 (GNT)

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Mrs. Mikela Iverson


Mrs. Mikela Iverson


Year started at SFLS: 2012

About you/your family: I’m married to Travis. We have two daughters, Miah and Kenzie. We have 2 cats, Judith & Sammy, a rabbit, Pepper and Gertrude the hamster!

Hobbies: Traveling, being with family and friends, going to sporting events (Go Jacks!) , watching movies, organizing, spending extra time with my girls.

Favorite Bible Verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” —Jeremiah 29:11

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Mrs. Melanie Nelson

Kindergarten PE

Mrs. Melanie Nelson

Kindergarten PE

Year started at SFLS: 2010

About you/your family: My husband Jeff and I stay busy with attending Iowa State football games, golfing, and spending time with family and friends. Both of our parents live in Sioux Falls, so we are able to see and spend time with them. As a result, our siblings come to visit often which we enjoy!

What do you enjoy about working at SFLS? This is an easy question—it’s the people! I also enjoy the ability to work with students and see them grow and mature. As a PE teacher, I get to see all the kids each year, and seeing that growth is such an amazing feeling. However, I said people, so that means my colleagues and administrators as well. We do what we do for the kids, and working with passionate educators is a special thing I enjoy about working at SFLS. Finally, with the word people, I would include the parents, grandparents, and caregivers to all the students! At SFLS we are a family, and getting to know each and every member is a blessing beyond measure. Sharing Christ with all these PEOPLE is truly an honor and blessing!

Favorite Bible Verse: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” —Matthew 6:33

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Mr. Danny Strande

1st – 12th Grade PE, Football Coach, Track & Field Coach

Mr. Danny Strande

1st – 12th Grade PE, Football Coach, Track & Field Coach

Year started at SFLS: 2022

About you/your family: I grew up in the country north of Sioux Falls outside of a small town called Lake Norden. I attended Hamlin High School, where I really enjoyed all the extracurricular activities that were available. I had a great time being involved in all kinds of sports, including football, basketball, track, and baseball. I was also involved in drama, student council, youth group, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). I continued to enjoy athletics during my college career, and today my hobbies outside of school include fishing, golfing, and hanging out with friends and family.

Education: I played football at Presentation College and Dakota Wesleyan University before transferring to South Dakota State University, where I earned my degree in physical education in May, 2022. During the 2021-22 school year, I student taught at Brookings Middle School, Deuel High School (K-12), and Watertown High School. During the fall of 2020, I served as assistant football coach for the Arlington/Lake Preston Badgers. 

How did you decide to pursue a career in physical education? I chose to become a physical education teacher because I believe that physical activity is very important for a person’s health. I also believe that there are plenty of life lessons that can be taught and learned in the physical education classroom. Whether that is sportsmanship, leadership, goal setting, kindness, emotional and social skills, or even self-discipline. My main goal is to teach students how to be physically active not only while they are in school, but how to be physically active for a lifetime!

Favorite Bible verse: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” —Romans 8:18

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Mrs. Kristi Prouty

Music Department Head & K-3 Music

Mrs. Kristi Prouty

Music Department Head & K-3 Music

Year started at SFLS: I started teaching at SFLS in 2014. I currently teach preschool-3rd grade music, as well as private piano and voice lessons.

About you/your family: My husband, Jay, and I have two children named Grant and Elyse. They both attend SFLS. 

Education: Bachelor of Music Education degree from Northern State University.

Most enjoyable aspects of teaching ministry: I enjoy being able to share my love of music with the children at SFLS. And it is such a blessings to be teaching in the Christ-centered school where my own children are. 

Hobbies: Reading, spending time with family and friends, watching sports, and playing golf. 

Favorite Bible verse: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” —Philippians 4:13

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Mrs. Louisa Biteler

4th – 12th Grade Strings & Orchestra Director

Mrs. Louisa Biteler

4th – 12th Grade Strings & Orchestra Director

Year started at SFLS: 2019

About you/your family: I helped SFLS launch its Suzuki-based violin program in 2011, while supervising string instructors and developing violin curriculum for the Avera Family Wellness program. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in K-12 music education from Luther College and am also a Suzuki-trained violin instructor. Over the past 20 years, I’ve worked in schools across the city of Sioux Falls teaching a variety of K-12 classes including 4th and 5th grade orchestra, high school orchestra, and high school special education classroom music. I’ve also been playing with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra and teaching private violin lessons since 1995.

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in K-12 music education from Luther College and am also a Suzuki-trained violin instructor.

Most enjoyable aspects of your teaching ministry: My favorite part of being an educator is witnessing the moment when students realize their hard work and perseverance has paid off in some way. Many life skills are taught through the learning of an instrument and music! When a student faces a difficult challenge and is diligent in overcoming the adversity one step at a time, the moment they have satisfaction or peace is truly a joy to observe and celebrate. Walking side by side with a student during the process is priceless. As a music educator, I am blessed to witness growth in students over an extended period of time. It is an honor to come alongside my students and their families during their life’s journey.

What do you like most about the Suzuki method? Since the age of 14, I have taught private lessons and always used the Suzuki repertoire. After obtaining my music education degree in college, I wanted to learn more about the pedagogy of the Suzuki method and enrolled in my first Suzuki Institute. The pedagogy and philosophy of educating the whole child combined with the idea that EVERY child is able to learn an instrument, regardless of developmental level, spoke to me in a profound way. Working not only with the child, but also collaboratively with their family to form a teacher/student/caregiver team is an aspect of teaching that I value and find important for overall success.

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Mrs. Mindee Birnstiehl

5th-12th Grade Band Director

Mrs. Mindee Birnstiehl

5th-12th Grade Band Director

Year started at SFLS: 2023

About you/your family: My husband, Ken, and I have been empty nesters for four years now! We have eight children and five grandchildren. They live in various locations across the US, which gives us an opportunity to travel. I am heading into my sixteenth year of teaching music. Before pursuing my music education degree, I had earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. 

Education: I earned an undergraduate degree in music education from Augustana University and a Master’s degree in music education from USD.

How did you decide to pursue a career in music education? When starting a family, I decided to be a stay-at-home mom. During those years, I taught piano lessons out of my home. I was always very active as a musician in my church as well. I realized what a passion I had for music and decided at that point that teaching music is what I was called to do.

What do you enjoy most about working with young musicians? I love working with students when they first start band, and then seeing them grow in musicianship and confidence all the way through high school.

What excites you most about integrating your faith with your passion for music education at SFLS? It excites me to be working in a private school for the first time in my life. I have never been able to freely share my faith with my students, so I am looking forward to being able to do that on a regular basis. 

Favorite Bible verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” –Jeremiah 29:11

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Mrs. Melissa Miller

4th-12th Music Teacher & Choir Director

Mrs. Melissa Miller

4th-12th Music Teacher & Choir Director

Year started at SFLS: I began tutoring in 2020 and teaching music in 2021.

About you/your family: I met my husband, Eric, at SDSU and we were married in 2005. We lived in Madison, SD, for 15 years where I taught elementary general music, preschool music, and private lessons for voice, piano, and guitar at Madison Christian School. In July, 2020, the Millers moved to Sioux Falls and their children began attending SFLS.

Education: I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in music education from South Dakota State University.

How did you decide to pursue a career in music education? My grandmother started me on piano when I was four. My Sunday school teacher was an amazing soprano. My high school music teacher was awesome. My parents pushed me to practice and perform. God placed these people in my life to teach and inspire me. I always enjoyed music and knew I wanted to be a teacher. It was a pretty clear decision. 

Tell me a bit about your teaching style. I like hands-on learning. I also try to make my classroom a space where students feel comfortable asking questions and digging into the very vast world of music. I love learning things from my students, making music with them, getting to know them outside of music class, and experiencing all of the music that God has given us. My goal for students, even if music may not be one of their gifts, is that they would build a great appreciation for music.

Favorite Bible verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” –Jeremiah 29:11

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Ms. Kortney Temple

K – 3rd Grade Strings & Preschool Music Teacher

Ms. Kortney Temple

K – 3rd Grade Strings & Preschool Music Teacher

Year started at SFLS: 2020. I moved away during the 2021-22 school year and returned to teach at SFLS again in the fall of 2022.

Education: I grew up on a dairy farm in Nisland, SD. I was homeschooled through high school and started my college career studying music at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, SD. After two years, I transferred to the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, where I graduated summa cum laude in 2016 with a degree in K-12 Music Education.

What inspired you to become a music educator?
Music has always been a part of my life; I took music lessons starting at a young age, and I had really amazing and patient teachers. I was not always the best or most well behaved student, but I really enjoyed making music. All of my siblings (I’m the middle of 7) played violin and piano, along with various other instruments, so there was a lot of music in my home. I didn’t always appreciate it at the time, but I love making music with my family. In high school I started teaching violin to a few students at my church, and I immediately fell in love with teaching and sharing music.

What is your favorite part of the job?
Oh, my favorite part of the job is finding new and fun ways for students to learn! I’m super excited to teach music and build a classroom where I can connect with students each week. Usually I get to have a fun song or game to really engage students and help them remember the lesson.

Favorite Bible verse:
“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26

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Mrs. Linda Heyd

RaiseRight Coordinator

Mrs. Linda Heyd

RaiseRight Coordinator

Year started at SFLS: 2003

About you/your family: I was born and raised on a farm near Gregory, SD. I went to Colome School, and after high school I went to Mitchell Vo-tech for a year. I worked in a bakery for several years before I moved to Sioux Falls in 1986. I met my husband, Jerome, in 1988. We have three boys together, and I also have a step-daughter.

What do you enjoy about working at SFLS? The staff and teachers at SFLS are like my family. They make me feel like I belong. I also love that my kids could talk about God and learn more about Him.

Favorite Bible Verse: He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” —Psalm 46:10

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Mr. Brian Frentz

Facilities Director

Mr. Brian Frentz

Facilities Director

Year started at SFLS: 2024

Tell me about yourself and your family.I am a Sioux Falls native and lifelong member of Zion Lutheran Church. I have been married to Suze for 16 years now, and our blended family has 7 children and 12 grandchildren. Suze and I live just northwest of Sioux Falls and enjoy being outside doing activities on our acreage. We garden, grow grapes, and try to schedule in a few camping trips each summer. I also enjoy woodworking as time permits.

Tell me about your prior work experiences. I have worked in “Facilities” most of my life. I started in the maintenance staff with the Sioux Falls School District where I worked for about 14 years. I then worked as a Facilities Manager in a couple of financial institutions for the last 20 plus years. During this time I also earned two professional accreditations from the International Facilities Management Association. I earned the Facilities Management Professional (FMP) and the Sustainable Facilities Professional (SFP). 

What appeals to you about working in a Christian school setting? The experiences that I have gained from working both in education as well as the corporate sector have given me diverse understandings of how both work. Along with this, I have served as Trustee for my church for the past 24 years. I think all of this was eventually pointing me in a direction for using my talents in a Christian school. I believe that God has been preparing me for this for a number of years.

Favorite Bible verse: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” —Ephesians 2:8-10